

  1. The Power of Effective Planning in Project Execution The key lesson learned is the importance of effective planning in project execution. Effective planning involves anticipating and preparing for potential challenges, including the need for a backup plan. In this project, the venue unavailability highlighted the value of having alternative arrangements in place to ensure the smooth execution of Module 2. By incorporating contingency measures into the planning process, teams can adapt to unexpected situations without significant disruptions. Furthermore, effective planning includes strategies for managing tied scores, such as having backup questions, which ensures a seamless progression in the project timeline. While effective planning requires additional effort, it greatly enhances project outcomes and mitigates risks, making it an essential aspect of successful project management. 2. Mastering the Art of Adaptability Adaptability is a crucial skill in today's fast-paced and ...


In today's rapidly evolving world, technology plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives and driving societal progress. The project "Hacking The Future – Breaking Barriers, Building Tomorrow" has helped participants in gaining important skills and knowledge to navigate the digital world. With its four modules, the project fostered collaboration, critical thinking, and informed decision-making. In this blog, we will explore how this initiative forged a strong bond between the project participants. Module 2: Making A Wise Choice The second module, "Making A Wise Choice," focused on helping participants make informed decisions when selecting devices and technology. By encouraging them to consider their needs instead of following popular trends, the module emphasized responsible and rational decision-making. Through engaging activities and discussions, participants actively exchanged ideas, perspectives, and research findings, enhancing their understanding of device ...


  Introduction I'm excited as we begin our project, "Hacking The Future – Breaking Barriers, Building Tomorrow." This project consists of four modules: Programming For Newbies, Making A Wise Choice, Cyber Warriors' Odyssey, and The Next Golden Decade. Each module will be conducted on Saturdays, including the opening and closing ceremonies, spanning a total of four weeks. Prior to each module, there will be meetings for all committee members to discuss the details and plan for that specific module. Regrettably, I was unable to participate in module 1, Programming For Newbies, as I competed in the Programming National League (PLN) on the same day, May 13, 2023. Execution Module 2 ---  Making A Wise Choice (27 May 2023) Due to the PLN competition and MyTech Career Fair, module 2 of our project, initially scheduled for May 20, had to be rescheduled due to venue unavailability. Fortunately, with the approval of Dr. Azah, we were able to secure a new venue at Dewan Sri Muti...

GIG1005 - Social Engagement

  Introduction Embarking on Social Engagement course and collaborating on a community project with my course mates is a thrilling and entirely new experience for me. I truly appreciate this unique opportunity during my first year of university life to explore the complex dynamics of society, build meaningful connections with the community and make a positive impact on the society. New Journey Begins Here On 16 March 2023, we had our first lesson physically with our lecturer, Dr. Azah on the course structure. Attending physical meeting after a prolonged period of online classes due to the pandemic fills me with excitement. Under the guidance of our lecturer, Dr. Azah, we embarked on the implementation of our project. In order to ensure the smooth execution of our project, it is essential to establish a committee team comprised of dedicated individuals. The democratic process was employed, allowing us to nominate and vote for individuals whom we believed would be ideal for th...